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    Main entrance: Access to the clouds

    «The entrance to the courtyard of a large estate. The doors are wide open and unlocked. This is partly because security is guaranteed in this dimension and partly because of the long rule of the Employer of Contracts, who for a long time ensured that Liyue was peaceful and safe enough that people did not have to close their doors. at night. »

    Main entrance: Access to the clouds It is a decoration that can be used in the Relaxer system.


    • Through construction, it can be built by reading the plan, obtained in the Tetetienda.
    Manufacturing time: 16 hours
    First manufacturing experience: x90 Main entrance: Access to the clouds
  • Main entrance: Access to the clouds Hazel wood
  • Main entrance: Access to the clouds 12 × Hazelnut wood
  • Main entrance: Access to the clouds Piece of white iron
  • Main entrance: Access to the clouds 6 × Piece of White Iron Main entrance: Access to the clouds
  • Main entrance: Access to the clouds Main entrance: Access to the clouds
  • Main entrance: Access to the clouds 1 × Main entrance: Access to the clouds
    • 12 Main entrance: Access to the clouds Hazel wood
    • 6 Main entrance: Access to the clouds Piece of white iron

    1 Main entrance: Access to the clouds Main entrance: Access to the clouds

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