'Capable of breaking the seals of the ancient shrines scattered throughout Mondstadt.The altar of an ancient deity stands imposing, despite the destruction of its civilization. Keys, […]
La Mondstadt series, also known as the Celestial Series, is a series of 5 Star Weapons inspired by Mondstadt. Arms Celestial Wings Celestial Wings Celestial Sharp Blade Celestial Sharp Blade Celestial Pride Celestial Pride […]
«Crimson quartz are rare gems that emanate a warm energy. Break them and collect their fragments so that your character can benefit from that energy.His influence will stop the build-up of Extreme Cold. Take advantage of this effect to conserve your heat […]
Viajero Voz Construction Viajero Voice Constructions El Viajero or the Traveler is the character that Genshin Impact stars in, and a playable character. At the beginning of the game, the two are twin brothers from another world who travel through […]
El Barbatos stew It is a dish that the player can prepare. The recipe can be obtained by speaking with Vind at Stormbringer Point. When Venti brews the Barbatos Pot, she has a chance to create a true Barbatos Pot instead. Effect Like most foods, this dish […]
Thomas Voz Construction Thomas Voice Constructions Thomas is an upcoming playable character in Genshin Impact. It appeared in the Version 2.0 Special Program and was […]
⚠️ This article is a stub. You can help Genshin Impact by expanding it. Across the island and the sea is a quest from the Summer, Islands, Adventures! event. of Version 1.6. Summary 1 Steps to Follow 2 3 Murals 4 Location 5 Dialogues 6 Change history Steps […]
Ritual of Destiny is a set of artifacts from Genshin Impact. Summary 1 effect 2 Obtaining 3 History 3.1 Torrential Diadem 4 Statistics 4.1 Sub-statistics Effect 1 piece Reduces the duration of effects caused by Hydro by 40%. Obtaining Left for Rhodeia […]
This article contains descriptions translated from the English version instead of using the official texts of the game in Spanish. You can correct them yourself or share screenshots of the errors with us via Discord. "Welcome to this world" El Bright […]
Diona's specialty. The skin of the fish is crispy and the meat is juicy. Only someone with a big enough love for fish would be able to make a dish that tastes so exquisite. If there was something to drink to go with it ... Oh, oh, it's looking this way! » This […]